Friday, June 24, 2011


A quick (ya right) trip up to Yellowstone and a day of siteseeing and in to Bozeman for the night.

The trip up was dry and it was nice to see the scenery start to change back into the northwest style that we are so familiar with. We went through a little town named Shoshoni and through a few tunnels and followed the Wind River for a while.

It reminded me a lot of the Moab area. While driving along we ran past a group of rafts running the river and we just had to stop for a minute to check them out.

Once into the park, both Lori and I were surprised that it was so high up. Most of the park is over 7000 feet and it crosses the continental divide at over 8200 feet.  There are a lot of animals and it is very pretty to look at, but we are used to all that. There is still a lot of snow and it is causing the rivers to be running high and hard. You can really tell once you get down a bit lower. We did all the usual things like stopping at Old Faithful and looking at the paint pots and taking a few pictures of the wild animals. (those are the ones in the vehicles. Compared to them, the animals in the park are tame. LOL)

Time to seriously head for home in the AM. 

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