Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A relaxing day

The day started with a group meeting at 8am where everybody introduced themselves and the rides were laid out and a few other idea's put on the table also. Will and Chrissy are the owners of the 1300tourer.com web site and they are responsible for the get together and Conrad is the person that organized this years event.
Conrad put together a group event that most of the people here got behind and participated in. It was a ride to a local store where we picked up some items for the local food bank and took it all over and donated it to them for local family's. There must have been $3-400 worth of food and it was greatly appreciated.
 From there Conrad led a group ride up to the top of Prospect mountain. The views were great and it shows the New York area landscapes very well.
 From here most people were going back to the resort, but Mark, Lori and I decided to go a short ride around Lake George. Tony and Michaeleen decided to ride along too. It was about 95 miles and took a couple of hours, and it was fun.

We stopped off for Ice Cream (go figure) and this little place had what they called a pig trough and of course Mark and I had to have one. They were 6 scoops, 4 toppings and a LOT of whipped cream and nuts/cherries. They were good!

We are now at the resort, in the room and relaxing up for the long ride in the AM. I will try and take more pictures from here on out. see ya tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Any pics of the ice cream trough? that sounds phenomenal right about now.
